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Alzheimer’s is a neurological disorder that leads to a gradual loss of memory with time. Initially, it may only cause minor forgetfulness like forgetting names of people, familiar places, directions followed by anxiety and confusion. Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia and is mostly seen in aged people. The disease limits one’s social interaction and gets extremely severe in its final stages.


The symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease include: Confusion Anxiety Loss of recent memory Forgetting directions, names and places Difficulty in planning and making judgments Mood swings Limited social interaction Disturbed sleep patterns Hallucinations Drastic changes in one’s personalityDFDAFF


Alzheimer’s is mainly caused by death of the brain cells which makes the brain shrink. Other causes of Alzheimer’s aren’t completely discovered by doctors yet. Some believe that people with high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels develop a greater risk of having Alzheimer’s. The development of abnormal structures in the brain could also lead to Alzheimer’s. The disease might be running in one’s family lines and it might get transferred to the next generation through the genes.


The doctor diagnoses the disease by detecting the characteristic symptoms and conducting the following tests. ... Physical and neurological test Blood tests Mental status and neuropsychological tests Brain imaging


The doctor may use drugs like Cholesterol inhibitors for treating Alzheimer’s. The patient is made to do regular exercise and follow a healthy diet. The doctor may opt for the following treatments: .. Treatment through medication Medicines like cholesterol inhibitors are often used by the doctors to treat the patients of Alzheimer’s. Changing the environment of the patient Ensuring a safe and peaceful environment for the patient can help in controlling the extent of the disease. Occupational therapy The therapy helps to make the home of the patients a safer and better place to live. This helps in preventing accidents and prepares the patient for the side effects of the disease.


Alzheimer’s can be prevented by maintaining a healthy lifestyle which includes following a balanced diet, exercising regularly, keeping cholesterol levels under check and adopting measures for improving heart health.

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